Registration For Flight School Course Is Opening In:

Watch this free 6-part video series to learn more about the upcoming online course

Where climbers go wrong with falling

Video One

Watch Now

Do you have fear of falling?

Video Two

Watch Now

A simple first step

Video Three

Watch Now

Learn how to manage fear of falling and become a better climber

A detailed breakdown of how to unlearn fear of falling

Video Four

Watch Now

How Michelle changed her relationship with climbing and sent her hardest route

Video Five

Watch Now

Frequently asked questions about fear of falling and Flight School

Video Six

Watch Now

Available Places


Early-Bird Waitlist:


Course Instructors



6 weeks of support and at least 3 years access

Get An Unfair Advantage

Unfortunately we can only work with a hand-full of people at the same time. Some of our past courses have sold out in as little as 48 hours.

When registration for the course opens, you need to sign up as soon as you see it, because spots tend to sell out very fast. One reason why we've created an early-bird waitlist is so the most psyched climbers get access before we open it up. But to secure your spot you need to act immediately when you get an email from Hazel.

Here's how to get in:

1) Sign up for the early-bird waitlist below (if you haven't already)

2) Login to your email inbox on Monday, the 22nd of January at 10am EST, 3pm UKT.

3) Refresh your inbox until you receive the early-bird registration link

4) Click on the link and secure your spot immediately

It's likely that there will be a rush to the registration page since there are so many people lined up for the course. But if you follow the instructions above you should be able to get a spot.

Your Head Instructor

Hazel Findlay,

Pro-climber, mindset fear-management and flow coach.

When Hazel was young she noticed that the mind was the biggest variable in how climbers performed, how quickly they progressed through the sport and how much they enjoyed it. Yet we have very few resources in the climbing community to help us build a strong mind for the things we love most. Although Hazel is a professional climber and very much focused on her own climbing she could see a real demand in the climbing community for psychological coaching services. Over the last 8 years, Hazel has been expanding her coaching business and the creation of the Strong Mind course and business is at the core of her vision to increase access to mental training resources and coaches in the community. Hazel has worked with 1000s of climbers on their fear of falling either personally, through workshops or online courses. She's also studied fear deconditioning at Kings College London, she is a trained coach both with Animas and the Flow Centre.

Your Course Instructor

Angus Kille

Instructor, trained coach, fall practice teacher and semi-professional climber

Angus is a semi-professional climber, MIC trained instructor and recently has trained as a coach. He has spent the past 4 years working with Hazel running fall practice workshops. Although this course is strictly coaching you around the psychology of fall practice rather than teaching you safety skills, Angus is the person to ask if you have any practical questions.

Your Course Instructor

Seb Costa

Trained coach, fall practice teacher and bachelors degree in adventure coaching (disertation on fall practice)

Course coach Seb Costa
has a Batchelor's Degree in Adventure Performance and Coaching from the University of the Highlands and Islands. During his studies, he took part in one of Hazel’s workshops and as a result, he wrote
his dissertation on the subject of fall practice.
He'll be here to coach you around any of the course content.

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